5 Lame Reasons Why Guys Always Want Nude Pics

When’s the last time you heard some king douchewad on a dating site tell you, “Send me some nudes!” I’m guessing it was damn near half past yesterday.

I swear, these dudes are eager to ask for nude pictures before it even occurs to them to ask you for your phone number.

I remember just time when cell phones didn’t snap pictures or record videos. Now they come with tripods, live streams and social networks that allow any picture to be branded, shared, and skeeted on from here to Beirut. Technology is ever-changing and that technology allows us to be ballsy, inconsiderate and socially retarded.

The real question is, why do men constantly ask women for nude pictures? It’s obvious men love to look at pictures of naked women and there is no shortage of naked women showing off their goods on the web.

But why do men expect women they barely know to bend over in a mirror or contort their legs like a rubber band over their heads and take personalized “from me to you” pictures of their bits?

There are a few theories:

1. They never plan to see you in person.

If you meet a guy online and right off the bat he starts asking for nude pics, it’s pretty safe to say he doesn’t plan on doing anything but jerking off to them once or twice, sharing them with his friends and eventually forgetting all about them.

Yes, they do share them by the way. A few years ago I was at a nightclub standing in line and a group of douchetards in front of us had their phones out comparing their vast collections of bims, boobs and butts.

This is particularly true when you meet a guy online- especially if there is any suggestion that you might be way into that kind of shit (e.g. mentioning in your profile how much you love to drink Goose and paint your piggies nekkid).

The nudie pic becomes his only resort. It’s undercover fuckery without ever having to do the deed. He doesn’t want to get to know you- he only wants to know what you look like in front of a mirror standing next to a toilet without any clothes on (standing next to a shitter in a picture trying to be sexy is pathetic as hell by the way).

Because obviously, if a guy wants to meet you he’ll try and get at the real thing, not keep trying to reinforce that getting a nude cell phone picture is the only chance he’s willing to take.

2. They think you’re a freak nasty hag.

It kind of goes without saying but…

If a guy has the inclination to ask you for nude pictures before he’s even had a chance to get to know you, he’s either pushing his luck, doesn’t respect you or he asks every woman he meets for nude pics. Thus proving he’s somebody you probably shouldn’t be wasting your time with anyway.

Think about it… Has a man you’ve barely known ever asked you to send him nude pictures in person? Has he ever looked you poker-faced straight in the eye and asked you to give him a freaky peepshow ala tacky cell phone bathroom pics because he thinks you’re a slut?

My money says, hell to the nope. But I guarantee that’s what he’s thinking- slut and all.

Pics are a cheap thrill. They are a lazy pastime for his enjoyment and your utter foolishness. He gets nude pictures of you and you get nothing from him in return except maybe a “compliment”.

“Your tits are hot baby” isn’t much of a compliment. But a lot of dumb ass hags are absolutely thrilled to think otherwise.

He wants freaky pics because he thinks that’s how you get down- and it’s not a very flattering light to be standing in, my friend.

3. It’s a man’s way of trying to fuck you without ever having to really fuck you.

Maybe he already knows he doesn’t stand a chance. Maybe he’s got a wife at home. Maybe he desires some minute sense of satisfaction in getting even the smallest little piece of you because you already outright refused his advances, and his last attempt to use you sexually is to procure a few tasteless skanked out pictures.

Maybe it’s all of the above.

It’s all about exploitation. It’s a way of using you. It’s almost the same thing as giving up the goods but he doesn’t have to be intimate with you in any way. It’s insurance and protection against emotional involvement while ensuring you can still function in helping him get his rocks off.

He’s fucking you without fucking you.

4. They’re used to getting naked pics from hags all over the damned place.

If a guy asks you for nude pictures in a way that’s just so “as a matter of fact” chances are, he’s gotten miles of nude pics stashed away from girls who love the narcissistic attention adrenaline rush involved in sending guys nude pics “they can jerk off to”.

Guys don’t discriminate- if he merely wants something visual to facilitate the stiff jerking of his chain, he’ll use any number of available outlets. Including porn, Facebook bro’s girlfriend pics, and yes, stashes of dirty pictures of women he’s collected from all over the place- not just from you.

Men are used to getting everything they want from women for nothing. Especially poon. Pics are just that much easier to get.

5. He thinks he has the right.

He believes he has the right to judge you by your appearance. He thinks he’s allowed to rate you on a scale of 1-10. He believes he is right in demanding to know what you look like without your clothes on because so many women these days take their clothes off, no questions asked.

He wants to believe you don’t care about yourself and he wants to believe it’s his right to take advantage of that. He knows that many women will send him nude pics, along with his buddies and every other guy on the face of this planet. Who are you to not conform?

Society has evolved towards men thinking they are entitled to having the most beautiful women in the world. They get to have them, use them and fuck them in the movies, in porn, and in naked cell phone pictures.

Hot, naked women are their God given right even though, men in particular who ask for naked pictures, don’t deserve jack shit. They deserve nothing from us but we give it all to them anyway hence, their sense of entitlement.

But I sleep very well at night knowing it’s my right to say no. And it’s also my right to say fuck you buddy. You ain’t getting shit. ;)

What I’m saying is, you should really force yourself to examine why a man has resorted to asking you for naked pictures in the first place, especially if he doesn’t even know you. I know the “normal” way to react in this situation is to feel flattered and sexy. Sorry honey but it isn’t, especially when he’s mad texting that shit to his buddies leaving you looking like a major ass.

Guys who really and truly want you don’t need pics.

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